Spiced & Seared Tuna

Tuna is full of essential omega-3 fatty acids and there's lots of ways you can cook it. I seared it last night and it was delicious. Serve it with your favorite roasted veggies or with some sweet potato mash.

serves 2-3

1 lb fresh albacore tuna
1/2 cup ghee
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp ground clove
1/2 tsp salt

1.  Rinse tuna and pat dry.
2. Heat butter in small saucepan on medium until melted.
3. Heat large frying pan on high heat.
4. Coat the tuna in the butter and then in the spice mixture on both sides. Press spices in to fish to stick.
5. Sear on hot pan, 10 seconds on each side if you like it rare, or up to 3 minutes each side if you like it more cooked. Cook until done.
6. Serve with some lemon squeezed on top and a side of veggies. Enjoy!


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