1. 50% of your meals should consist of vegetables, 25% protein and 25% complex carbs (sweet potatoes, squash, quinoa). All veggies are great except corn and white potatoes. Try to eat a lot of leafy greens, like spinach, kale, collard greens and arugula.
2. Avoid sugar (even fruits high in sugar, natural sugars and sugar substitutes). The best fruits to eat are low glycemic, all berries and green apples. The best thing to use as a sweetener is dates or monk fruit (in moderation).
3. Avoid dairy. Goat's milk products, like goat's cheese, are ok in moderation. There's great dairy substitutes out there, like coconut or almond milk (just make sure they're unsweetened), cheeses made from nuts and coconut yogurt.
4. Stay away from gluten. It's best to only eat gluten-free whole grains. The best are quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, millet and gluten-free rolled oats.
5. Avoid caffeine. Caffeine stresses the body and makes you product more cortisol, which you don't want. If you have PCOS then you probably already product too much cortisol, so it's best to keep away from caffeine. Some matcha green tea is ok to have in moderation. And have as much herbal teas as you want (you should drink spearmint tea to lower testosterone, helping to slow hirsutism). There are a lot of great gluten and caffeine free coffee substitutes (I love Dandy Blend)
6. Avoid alcohol. A lot of alcohol, especially wine, is basically sugar, but it also puts added stress on your liver, which we need to filter out other toxins that are trying to wreak havoc on our bodies.
7. Cook with only coconut, avocado or olive oil. It's best to cook on high temps with only coconut oil, but you can cook on lower temps with avocado or olive. You'll want to stay away from peanut, sunflower, sesame, etc oils. This is hard to do when eating out, since those oils are cheaper they're often used in restaurants. But once in a while is OK.
8. Incorporate lots of healthy fats into your diet. Healthy fats include coconut, avocado and olive oil, avocado and nuts.
9. Stay away from all processed foods. Any added preservatives or chemicals will harm your body.
10. Try to eat organic as much as possible, especially meat. The added hormones in non-organic meat are very harmful and so are the pesticides used in produce. And make sure your fish is fresh and preferably wild.
11. Stay balanced, if you "cheat" on the diet once and a while, it's ok, as long as you keep to the diet as much as possible. And don't be a perfectionist about it, that will do more harm than good. And so will guilt. If you "cheat," just enjoy it, don't beat yourself up over it.
12. Have fun and get creative! And if you need some help, that's what I'm here for! Now get cooking!


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