Hi gals! A little about me... I was born in Toronto, grew up in Florida and have been living in Los Angeles since 2007. And I currently live there with my husband and our two boys. 
When I was a kid, my mom healed herself of chemical sensitives naturally with diet and supplements. She’s always been my hero. Never did I think I’d have to make the same drastic changes to my diet and lifestyle too, but that’s just what I did in the spring of 2017 (I was 32) when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I knew I wanted to heal naturally and that it was the only way to really reverse your symptoms instead of just putting a bandaid on them.

I suffered greatly with anxiety and panic attacks before I was diagnosed, that was really my main symptom. Then I went through a couple years of trauma in my family. I also was on birth control those years and was unknowingly living in a  house filled with mold in the walls and A/C. All of those things are triggering factors for PCOS. After I was diagnosed, I was also diagnosed with candida and parasites by my Naturalpathic doctor. My hormones were so out of balance that I was like a different person, I was a panicked mess and couldn’t handle normal life at all. The extreme diet I had to do for a few months to combat candida and the parasites created even more stress and that’s when I started having more PCOS symptoms. I started losing my hair by the handful and my cycle stopped coming for many months. I also started growing facial hair and my acne was worse than ever (I suffered from hormonal acne since I was a young teenager). But I kept up with the PCOS diet and supplements to balance my hormones. I also went to acupuncture regularity, took saunas, practiced yoga and meditation and met with my therapist weekly. It took about 6 months, but slowly I started feeling more and more like myself. My anxiety calmed down, my hair stopped falling and the facial hair stopped growing, my skin cleared up. 

In the fall of 2017 the only symptom I still had was no cycle. I started taking Ovasitol (a natural supplement to balance insulin) and then just a few months later in January 2018 I got pregnant. I was shocked since I hadn’t had a cycle in 9 months, I had no idea I was ovulating. But we were overjoyed to say the least. I had a healthy pregnancy and natural delivery of my beautiful, healthy baby boy. I was able to breastfeed him with no lactation supply issues (many women with PCOS aren’t able to breastfeed) and I breastfed him until he was 2.5 years old when I was pregnant with his baby brother who I’m still breastfeeding now. All of this is possible with PCOS if you do the PCOS diet, take the right supplements and have a lifestyle that supports your hormone balance, your mind and mental health. 

These days, I still keep up the lifestyle on a regular basis, but I don’t have to do everything as exact as I did that first year, over all I live a symptom-free life with PCOS. It's definitely hard, but it's manageable. It's not a death sentence, it's not cancer. In some ways it just means we're super-human. Our bodies are so advanced that they tell us when something isn't quite right. When we're having too much sugar, too much stress, too many toxins. We get warning signals when everyone else out there is oblivious. Oblivious until they find out they have caner and a year to live. Or heart disease. And PCOS is reversible. I reversed all my symptoms and so can you. So, are you with me? Let's do this!

Love and Light,


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