Oven Roasted Veggies

I like to use up any veggies I have left in my fridge with this recipe. I've made some suggestions, but you can really use any veggies you want. Simple and delish.

serves 4

8 asparagus, cut in four pieces
1 cup diced zucchini
1 cup diced yellow squash
1 cup diced red pepper
1 cup brussels sprouts, cut in quarters
1 cup diced carrots
1 cup diced mushrooms
1/4 cup fresh basil
1 clove garlic
3 tbs olive oil


1. Heat oven to 400º.
2. Put all diced veggies in a large baking dish.
3. Cover with olive oil and mix in basil, garlic, salt and pepper. 
4. Bake for about 20 minutes or until browned, mixing halfway through.
5. Serve with your favorite meal. Enjoy!


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