
Thank you for reading my blog, I hope it can help you, even if in just a small way, while you try to navigate your way through PCOS.

I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in March 2017. When I found out that diet plays a major role in the syndrome I was pretty disappointed to say the least. I love food, I mean, who doesn't? I've always eaten healthy, though I love pizza and sweets. I never had to restrict anything from my diet before, especially since I've always been thin, so even dieting was never something I was used to. So when I was told I'd need to cut out all sugar (even most fruit sugars), dairy, gluten, caffeine and alcohol, I was shocked. That's a lot to give up at once. It's not a diet change, it's a lifestyle change. But I knew I had to do it in order to reverse my symptoms. At first I felt defeated and that I'd have to spend my life eating tasteless meals and would be miserable forever. It felt like a death sentence. Ok, maybe not that drastic, but at the time I felt hopeless. But, when you take all of the comforts and easy tricks you are used to away when it comes to cooking, you need to get creative. So creative I got. And now I'll have to say that I enjoy cooking and eating more now than ever. I get so excited when I come up with something new. And I almost completely don't miss what I used to be able to eat (well, except maybe real pizza, but I've come up with some good alternatives that are close enough). And, I let myself "cheat" every so often on the "real" stuff, so I never feel like I'm really missing out. So, here I will start to share with you all some of my favorite recipes, and hopefully it will inspire you to get creative in your kitchen, while we kick PCOS to the curb! (UPDATE: the PCOS diet and other lifestyle changes really worked for me, I have been symptom-free and hormonally balanced since October 2017 and had 2 healthy pregnancies and 2 amazing little boys. I too am healthy thriving, through pregnancies, post parting, breastfeeding and all the stress that motherhood brings, I am balanced and well. 
Love + light,

Read more about me here
Read my tips for PCOS here


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