Coconut Nut Apples

Desserts are probably the hardest on the PCOS diet. Especially since we can't have any sugar, or any sugar substitutes, or any high-sugar fruits. So yeah, basically no dessert for us. Well I came up with Coconut Nut Apples to give myself a little treat that I didn't have to feel guilty about and can have on a regular basis. And I do, a lot.

makes 2 servings

1 large organic green apple
1/2 cup nuts of choice (I like to use cashews, walnuts and almonds)
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 cup cacao nibs (optional)
1/4 cup coconut cream
1 tbs coconut oil
1 tbs ceylon cinnamon


1. Heat coconut oil on medium heat.
2. Dice apple into small pieces. 
3. Sauté apples in coconut oil and mix in cinnamon (use lots of cinnamon, it helps lower blood sugar!)
4. Stir in coconut.
5. Stir in coconut cream.
6. Once apples are soft, add in nuts and continue to cook for a couple more minutes.
7. Serve with cocoa nibs sprinkled on top. Enjoy!


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