Butternut Squash with Lamb & Veg

I love butternut squash, it's my favorite squash by far. It's so delicious and can be used in so many ways. This recipe is simple, filling, healthy and tastes great. You can use any ground meat with it, beef or turkey work just as good. You can also use any veggies you like.

makes 3-4 servings

1 lb organic (or grass-fed) ground lamb (or meat of choice)
1 butternut squash
1/4 cup diced onions
1 cup diced zucchini and bell peppers
1/2 cup sliced diced mushrooms
1/2 cup broccoli
1 cup spinach
coconut oil
1 clove garlic
fresh basil
cinnamon  (and any other spices you like)


1. Preheat oven to 425º.
2. Cut butternut squash lengthwise into two pieces and place on baking sheet.
3. Cover inside of each piece with coconut oil. Add salt, pepper and any spices you like. Some cinnamon for a sweeter taste, chillin pepper for spicy, or parsley and basil for savory.
4. Turn squash over, skin side up and bake for 30-40 minutes until soft (they're ready when you can easily pierce the skin and go through to the other side with a fork).
5. While squash is baking, sauté onions and garlic in coconut oil one medium heat. I prefer to use a cast iron pan, but any will do.
6. Once onions are clear, add in lamb and cook, stirring until browned.
7. Add in all vegetables except the spinach.
8. Once vegetables are soft, add in spinach and basil and cook, stirring occasionally.
9. When squash is ready, remove from oven and place each piece on a plate.
10. Top each squash with the lamb and veggies and enjoy!


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